Brixworth in 1914
Men Serving in His Majesty's Forces before the War
Colonel Trent, 5th Northampton's Pte Herbert Walpole, 1st Northamptons
Lieutenant D R Cross, 16th Lancers Pte Charles Williams, 1st Northamptons
Pte Joseph Clarke, 1st Grenadier Guards Pte George pittam, Scottish Riffles
Pte James Clarke, H.M.S. Glasgow Pte Leonard West, Scottish Riffles
Pte Frank Ward, 19th Hussars Corporal A. Evans, 1st Middlesex
Pte William Sharp, 7th Hussars Pte William Tite, 1st Leicestershire
Pte Charles Neal, 3rd Dragoon Guards Pte Alfred Summerfgield, Special Reserve
Pte Joseph Jellis, R.F.A. Pte Alfred Hunt, Special Reserve
Pte George Wilson, R.F.A. Pte Walter Wilson, Special Reserve
Pte Frank Gardiner, 1st Northamptons
Volunteers in 1914
2nd Lieut H.S.Painter, 11th Manchester Felix Thompson, 5th Northamptons
Albert Buswell, 7th Northamptons Arthur Tite, 5th Northamptons
Edward Buswell, 5th Northamptons Charles Tite, 5th Northamptons
Lance Corp William Burkett, 6th Northamptons Oliver Tyrell, 5th Northamptons
George Billing, Northamptons (Terr.) Frederick Walker, Northampton (Terr.)
Charles Bull, 5th Northamptons Raymond Warwick, A.S.C.
Frank Clarke, Northamptonshire Yeomanry Col. Serg. Bradshaw (Formerly 24 yrs in 1st Northamptons
Joseph Dickens, 5th Northamptons Owen Tyrell, 8th Northamptons
Edgar Dewey, 5th Northamptons Frank Tyrell, 8th Northamptons
W.J.Dunkley, A.S.C Walter Plowman, 8th Northamptons
Hugh Eldred, Northamptonshire Yeomanry John Chapman, 8th Northamptons
John Eldred, 7th Northamptons Joseph, Benfield, 8th Northamptons
Frank Goodall, Northamptonshire yeomanry Fred James, 8th Northamptons
Bertie Gubbins, 7th Notthamptons Harry Cook, 8th Northamptons
Harry Gregory, A.S.C. Reginald Hamson, 8th Northamptons
Arther Keber, Liverpool Charles Bridgewood, 8th Northamptons
Frank Keber, Staffordshire William Walter, 8th Northamptons
Gerorge Neal, A.S.C. George Smith, Northamptonshire Yeomanry
William Prior, Northamptons (Terr.) William Shadlock, Northamptonshire Yeomanry
William Pateman, A.S.C. William Summerfield, Northamptons (Terr)
Ernest Patemen, A.S.C. F.J.Poyser, Lovat's Scouts
Regimald Smith, R.A.M.C.
In 2014 our summer exhibition focused on Brixworth in 1914.
We have been researching those men of our village who volunteered for service at the start of the Great War and the men named on the war memorial who lost their lives.
Could you help us with our ongoing research?
Listed below are the names of the men we know were in the forces by December 1914. Are any of these your ancestors? Do you have any photographs or information about them that you would be willing to share with us. Please contact our archivist